10aSH-8 Monte Carlo studies of the six-dimensional IKKT model
Generalized factorization method for the overlap problem in a matrix model with complex action
23pWA-8 教員養成課程の学生を対象とした物理嫌いについての実態調査(23pWA 物理教育,領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
28aZF-5 Dynamical generation of gauge group in matrix models(素粒子論)
30aXB-7 Monte Carlo studies of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in a matrix model with the complex action
11pSC-2 Generalized factorization method for the overlap problem in a matrix model with complex action
Spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry in a simplified IKKT matrix model
Dynamical generation of gauge groups in the massive Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons matrix model
Perturbative dynamics of fuzzy spheres at large N(Quantum Field Theories : Fundamental Problems and Applications)
1.1 large N reduced modelによる重力相互作用の記述(1 素粒子パート,2003年度原子核三者若手D.C.Abstract集,放談室)
Curved-space classical solution of a massive supermatrix model(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
1.4 large N reduced modelによる重力相互作用の記述(1 素粒子パート,2002年度原子核三者若手D.C.Abstract集,放談室)
Matrix model with manifest general coordinate invariance
Supermatrix Models
Monte Carlo studies of the six-dimensional IKKT model
Monte Carlo Studies of the GWW Phase Transition in Large-N Gauge Theories
20pSP-12 Monte Carlo Studies of the GWW Phase Transition in Large-N Gauge Theories
D. McMahon, String Theory Demystified, McGraw-Hill Co., USA, 2008, 306p, 23×18cm, US$21.95, (Demystified Series), [学部・大学院向], ISBN978-0071498708
10aSH-8 Monte Carlo studies of the six-dimensional IKKT model
26pGC-8 Large-N1次元有限温度系ゲージ理論の相転移の数値的解析(26pGC 弦理論,弦の場の理論,行列模型,素粒子論領域)
28aWP-1 Monte Carlo studies of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in a simplified IKKT matrix model
12pSD-8 Dynamical generation of gauge groups in the massive Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons matrix model(素粒子論領域)
27aYD-10 Perturbative dynamics of fuzzy spheres at large N
28pSL-8 Monte-Carlo studies of the 4d supersymmetric reduced model with the Chern-Simons term
30aZF-8 Nonperturbative studies of higher-dimensional fuzzy-spheres in the matrix model(素粒子論)
9aSC-9 Quantum fluctuation of higher-dimensional fuzzy-sphere solutions of a matrix model
25aSD-8 OPE between the energy-momentum tensor and the Wilson loop in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory
22aSB-12 Supermatrix Models
25pKA-4 Monte Carlo studies of the rotational symmetry breaking in dimensionally reduced super Yang-Mills models