青色防犯灯による防犯効果と青色・白色複合LED 照明の開発
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In the first part of the article, the effect of blue street lighting for deterring crime was reviewed. In 2005, the officials of NaraPrefectural Government installed 7 blue street lights on a street of Akishinodai town for the first time in Japan, followed byseveral other prefectural governments. Today we can find them everywhere throughout Japan and the decreased crime rate wasreported in such areas. However, some problems were found in previously developed bluish light. First, the intensity ofillumination is reduced because of blue films that surround a prime fluorescent lights. Second, the quality of pictures bysecurity cameras is deteriorated under the low intensity illuminations. Thus we newly developed a composite blue and whiteLED light for security lighting and introduced it in the second part of the article. The new device has 32 white LEDssurrounded by 16 blue LEDs, so that it is blue viewed from a distance and white just under the light with high intensity ofillumination and high color rendition. The crime prevention effect of the new LED lighting system was discussed from astandpoint of psychology, such as psychophysiological reactivity and environmental impression led by the new lighting device.Key words: blue security lighting, light emitting diode(LED), crime prevention through environmental design(CPTED),broken windows theory
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