難治性皮膚潰瘍の治療からみた再生医療の現況(特別講演II, 第153回名古屋市立大学医学会例会)
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Since skin is easy to handle, the clinical application of regenerative medicine including iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cell therapy is quite realistic to treat various skin diseases in very near future. In spite of the development of artificial skin equivalents for wide spread burn, the current status of skin regenerative medicine has a lot of issues to overcome in terms of the fragility to infection and the low acceptance rate of skin equivalent grafts. Here is the report about intractable skin wounds caused by diabetes mellitus, critical limb ischemia, rheumatism, collagen diseases and pressure sores that can be treated at any facility with healthcare services provided by health insurance. Wounds with exposed bones are aggressively debrided with a bone scraper, followed by the immediate coverage of occlusive dressing. This method is for providing bone marrow cells with niche to achieve the differentiation of skin cells. After healthy granuation tissue is observed, epidermal grafting, which is obtained from suction blister roofs, accomplishes the site-specific (anatomically suitable) differentiation of the grafted areas. Now this treatment option is widely recognized in dermatology field and is reported here since the concept of this therapy may be useful to apply for the other organs, aiming for the perfect tissue regeneration.
- 名古屋市立大学の論文
- 2009-10-01
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