Fundamental Groups of the Spaces of Regular Orbits of Affine Weyl Groups of Rank 2 (超曲面の特異点)
- Modular invariants of the modular data of finite groups (Codes, lattices, vertex operator algebras and finite groups)
- More about Euclidean designs (Finite Groups and Algebraic Combinatorics)
- 2-距離集合に関するLarman-Rogers-Seidelの定理についての考察 (代数的組合せ論)
- On tight Euclidean designs (Algebraic Combinatorics)
- Potts type又はCyclic typeの行列から作られるFour-weight spin modelについて (代数的組合せ論)
- Generalized spin models and association schemes
- Cyclic group association scheme に付随した Spin model について(代数的組合せ論)
- 一般化されたスピンモデル(代数的組合せ論)
- Modular invariance of the character table of Hamming association scheme H(d,q)(GROUPS AND COMBINATORICS)
- Positive definite quadratic lattices with trivial automorphism groups
- Fundamental Groups of the Spaces of Regular Orbits of Affine Weyl Groups of Rank 2 (超曲面の特異点)