- 論文の詳細を見る
四 白居易と慶滋保胤[附] 平安朝女流と白氏文集In this supplementary part of the treatise, the writer refers to the relation between the literary women in the Heian Period and Po Chu-i's prose and poetry, specially his poems written about human society. As previously described in the treatise, Pu Chu-i's works were very popular in the Heian Period, but only his 'Fuyu-shi' or Allegorical Poems which we might call social poems was destined to be treated with cruelty in this country. The themes of those poems were disregarded and the poems themselves were taken to pieces so that only the fragmental words were used in those days. This, however, need occasion no surprise only if we give consideration to the way of life of the literary men under the powerful absolute government of those days. The literary men had already lost that ground from which they could have criticised the upper classes. The influential members were only flatterers of the upper classes. At that time many women of ability appeared one after another in the literary salon of the Court. They created new letters called 'Hiragana' from the mother tongue of their day, and succeeded in bringing forth the new type of literature. But they could not give full play to their genius in the field of Chinese literature which had been regarded as classics so far in this country, nor could they take even a step forward in that field beyond both the refinement and the appreciative ability of the literary men. Among those literary women Shikibu Murasaki and some others most sensitively found their life precarious in such a society of the days, and lived grieving and enduring it. In spite of the state of things, they positively read Po Chu-i's 'Fuyu-shi' or Allegorical Poems which the literary men disjointed and even avoided touching. Although they did not regard the poems as political or social against Po Chu-i's original intention, they reduced the mind of the poems to their own individual grief and distress, and could rightly appreciate the literary work superbly in their own way.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 古写本を覗く
- 宮内庁書陵部蔵本 白氏文集新楽府元亨写本について(承前)
- 宮内庁書陵部蔵本 白氏文集新楽府元亨写本について
- 本邦伝存 「秦中吟」諸本の本文並びに訓読について
- 神田喜一郎氏所蔵本文集巻第三・四について
- 真福寺蔵新楽府注にみえる教訓と武家社会(今宮新先生古稀記念)
- 釋信救とその著作について : 附・新楽府略意二種の翻印
- 東大寺宗性の『白氏文集要文抄』について
- 柳宗元の山水記について
- 長安時代の柳宗元について
- 内閣文庫蔵原本信長記について(松本芳夫先生古稀記念)
- 空海「綜藝種智院式」に関する私見 : 私立学校の創設を繞って (神田地寺記念公開講座『書物と日本仏教』第二回(二〇〇二年十一月八日))
- 平安時代に於ける白居易受容の史的考察(上)
- 白詩受容の一齣
- 空海と福沢諭吉
- 白詩唐代鈔本について : 『坎曼尓詩箋』(「賣炭翁」)を繞って
- 日本思想史概説(日本思想史研究IV), 村岡典嗣著, 創文社刊, 定価二〇〇〇円
- 平安時代に於ける白居易受容の史的考察(下)
- 慈円, 多賀宗隼著, 吉川弘文館刊
- 日本思想史上の諸問題-日本思想史研究II-, 村岡典嗣著, 創文社刊
- 慈圓論(慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集)
- 大名・太郎冠者の變貌
- 天正狂言本, 日本古典全書『狂言集』下・附載
- 能狂言に就ての一考察
- 三經義疏研究上の諸問題