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投稿論文In the 10th book of the Confessiones, Augustine confesses what he knows of himself and what he does not know of himself. When he confesses what he does not know of himself (28, 39^-), Augustine closely examines which temptations he has resisted and which he doesn't. In the course of his examination, he declares that he has become a quaestio to himself and it is his languor (33, 50). In this paper, I have investigated the meaning of two passages closely related: "mihi quaestio factus sum". and "ipse est languor meus." Through his soul-searching, Augustine clarifies the miserable condition of our human beings. At the same time, however, he discovers the self, which is not yet clearly known to him, but is undoubtedly a part of himself. This discovery of self also implies his consciousness of original sin, which obscures himself from himself. This is why he says he has become a quaestio to himself, and this quaestio is a state of languor. Thus, for Augusutine, human 'self' is in a miserable condition, but the consciousness of it opens to the possibility of becoming better.
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- 中川純男先生 主要業績