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投稿論文幸福とよろこびII. よろこびの経験III. 変化と経験In his books, Augustine frequently refers to the satatement that all of us want to be happy, which he read in Cicero's Hortensius when he was 19 years old. In his Confessions X, Augustine examines where and when we experienced the happy life, since he thinks we would not want to be happy unless we had some idea of happiness. He consideres the happey life to be the joy all of us want to experience. We all have experienced joy in each life, and have the memory of it. Augustine thinks this memory can be the clue to attain the happy life. But, we do not always experience joy for good purpose. How can it be the clue to get the joy in the happy life. What we find joy in is various. Augustine notices what he find joy in has changed through his experiences. In this paper, I examine Augustine's description of his own joy in Conf., and clarify his view that what one finds joy in reflects the state of him, and that one can search and attain the happy life in good way when we experience joy with our neighbours.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- アウグスティヌスにおける自己知
- 「心の口」で語るとはいかなることか--アウグスティヌスDe mendacioにおける
- アウグスティヌスにおけるanima/animus概念について : 『ソリロクィア』を中心に
- よろこびの経験
- アウグスティヌス『告白』第10巻における自己欺瞞の理解
- 書評 Phillip Cary: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine's Thought
- 書評 John Peter Kenney, The Mysticism of Saint Augustine: Rereading the Confessions
- アウグスティヌスにおける聖書解釈と愛の概念
- 中川純男先生 主要業績