社会学と優生学 : ロンドン社会学会における「都市学」と「優生学」(B編 身体と公共の歴史社会学,<特集>都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-)
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特集都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-B編 身体と公共の歴史社会学論文1. はじめに 1-1. 本稿の目的 1-2. 優生学と現代社会2. 社会学,優生学,都市学 2-1. ゴルトンという人物 2-2. 社会学におけるゴルトンと「優生学」 2-3. 優生学と社会学との重なり合い3. 都市学と「優生学」との重なり合い 3-1. ゴルトンの「優生学」報告 3-2. ゲデスの都市学における優生学の位置 3-3. 都市学と優生学との重合と乖離 : 遺伝と環境4. ロンドン社会学会とゴルトン「優生学」との重なり合い5. 現代の社会学へ : 「法則」と「型」Sociological Society held in 1904 is one of the pioneering sociology meetings. It is said that the special features in a series of meetings of the first year of this society were "Civics" of Patrick Geddes and the "Eugenics" of Francis Galton. These both were positioned as what bears "applied sociology" in the society. It does not consider that "Civics" and "Eugenics" are the learning domain which bears sociology now. However, at the pioneering sociology meeting in early the 20th century, both were considered to be the important domains of sociology. Then, the purpose of this paper is to consider the relation of "Eugenics" and "Civics" in the first Sociological Society. While Geddes was an urban study person, he studied biology and has also left the writing about evolution. It ranks with Galton which was a hereditary researcher, and it can be said that it was in the boundaryofbiologyandsociology.Bycomparingboth.itseems that the end of the relation between clarifying a part of research of Geddes who is the buried sociologist, simultaneously sociology and eugenics of those days also becomes clear.
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