WAI技法を用いたSelf-Imageの研究(2) : WAI反応の発達的変化
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1. はじめに2. WAI反応の収集と分類評価 WAI用紙 WAI反応の収集 分類カテゴリー WAI反応の分類評価3. WAI反応の分類評価の結果と考察 大項目の分析 小項目の分析 学校間の差異の分析4. おわりにThe WAI is a technique for investigating self-attitudes invented by Kuhn McPartland (1954). In this technique, subjects write twenty statements responding to a question "Who am I? It is effective for investigating self-image because it allows each subject to describe himself/herself in his/her own words. However, to analyse WAI responses statistically, they must be classified into some categories. "KIJUNSHO" is a system of categories for WAI responses constructed through content analysis of the responses. And it have been revised four times. In this study, the WAI responses of 4,948 subjects aged from 9 to 19 are classified by using "KIJUNSHO". Then, the development of self-image is investigated based upon the analysis of the WAI responses. The results show that large part of WAI responses are self-images about one's directive aspect of personality or one's social relation. Self-images about one's need, hope or desire and self-images about one's character are found frequently among older subjects' responses. The proportion of subjects whose responses are classified into social or abstract categories is higher in older subjects than in younger subjects. These results mean that self-images of older subjects are more internal, more social, and more abstract than those of younger.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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