構造主義の吟味 : 論理主義のパラダイム
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The aim of this article is to explore the paragigm of logicism in "Structuralism" from the cognitive point of view. The cognitive structure consists of, the logico-mathematical laws central to it, and universal schemata such as causality etc, and the evaluation mechanism, for example, to evaluate private experience through behaviors, and peripherally cultulal norms. The modern cognitive theory tries to deal with the cognitive issues in the aggregate, in other words, it pursues the devices to converse with the environment. Levi-Strauss learned from phonology that distinctive features are the universal form of all human minds and reduced the structure of culture into universal logical relations. For him meaning is a subsidiary of the structure. Chomsky goes on the assumption that linguistic and mental processes are virtually identical, and language is qualified as self-completed structure isolated from other cognitive competence. We cannot assign any structural description to the sentence without models for perception. Piaget regarded cognitive development as the growth toward logico-mathematical operation. He described what the child lacks of being formal operation. His logicism doesn't concern itself with abstraction, cognitive frames, but with relations among abstracts.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文