都市民俗研究への一視角 : 新たな分析視角の模索
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I. はじめにII. 都市民俗学の研究動向 (1) 都市化と都鄙連続体論に基づく方向 (2) 民俗学方法論に対する問題提起の方向III. 都市民俗と社会変動IV. 都市化社会と都市的生活様式V. 結語In the 1970's there arouse some proposals for urban folklore by some Japanese folklorists. These trends seem a great stimulus to urban sociology. On the side of sociology, recently there rose some arguments about urban way of life and formation of "Urbanized Society of Japan". Then, in this paper I try to join some proposals for urban folklore to these trends of urban sociology and present a new perspective of urban folk-culture studies. First, two trends of urban folklore are examined critically. After my indications about some questions of urban folklore, the following can be summarized concerning the perspective of urban folk-culture studies: (1) In urban folk-culture studies, we must extend the object of our studies than traditional ways of Japanese folklore. (2) A successor of urban folklore as a common man (Jomin) living in urban area can be often a innovator carrying social changes. (3) The most extensive framework regulating urban folk-culture may be the concepts of urbanization and urban way of life. (4) The form of urban folk-culture is closely connected with social relations of urban residents.
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