トッテの世界 : 幼児絵本の翻訳をめぐる比較教育学的検討
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二つの教育大国家庭教育と絵本トッテの世界歪められる「トッテの世界」トッテとトミーちゃん 1. 原題『かたづける』、邦題『くまくんどこ?』に関する比較考察 2. 原題「外に出かける」、邦題「おしたく できたよ」に関する比較考察 3. 原題「ケーキをやく」、邦題「けーきをつくる」に関する比較考察私達のしつけ観と西洋人形「トミーちゃん」It is well known fact that the translation of books entails some adaptation of the originals. To what degree we should permit this inevitable change must be judged from many different aspects. Cultural, social, historical and even geographical differences between "exporting" countries and "importing" countries of the books might be taken into account, needless to say about linguistic questions per se. Further in the field of children's books, we see a quite exceptional condition will decide much of the direction the adaptation is to steer in. This condition is attributed to the attitude of the translator who inclines to accmodate his version to the parents' wish that their children should be provided only with "good" books. It may then be reasonable to expect that the translation or the adaptation of children's books mirrors out some standard of goodness which prevails in the importing country in question so long as child upbringing is concerned. In this respect the Japanese version of "Totte series" is closely examined here, in comparison both with the originals in Swedish and their English version as one of the most extreme translations seemingly. The reason I choose these books, originally written by Gunilla Wolde, for this purpose is not only because they have gained world wide success, but rather because these original books contain plenty of vivid educational stimuli which should have given some significant impact upon all the younger children in the world in spite of national borders.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 4 学習(2)(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 「地域性に制約される比較教育学」の試み(文学部創設百周年記念論文集II)
- トッテの世界 : 幼児絵本の翻訳をめぐる比較教育学的検討
- 絵本の中の比較教育学 : トッテの体験
- トッテと大人 : 幼児絵本の翻訳に関する比較教育学的実験
- 11 プログラム学習と動機づけ(4.学習)