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Elastic shear buckling of square plates containing reinforced square holes is investigated analytically. The perforated plates are subjected to uniform shear stress or uniform shear deformation, and are simply supported or clamped on all four edges. Ratios of the hole length a to the plate width, a/l, are 0.15, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.85. The influence of area and shape of reinforcement around the square hole and loading condition on buckling strength is considered. Relationships are presented between the buckling strength of plates, the size of the hole, width and depth of the reinforcing ring. The stresses at the hole edge decrease remarkably by the reinforcement, but the shape of reinforcement makes little difference. The reinforcement is more effective to the uniform shear stress than the uniform shear deformation in decreasing the stress concentration. For the elastic buckling, increasing the depth of the reinforcement is much more effective than the width. The reinforcement is slightly effective in uniform shear stress compared to the uniform shear deformation at the simply supported plates and it is reverse in the clamped plates. In order to increase the elastic buckling strength of the perforated plates more than the unperforated plates, it is the most effective that the width and the depth of reinforcement are one and four times of the plate thickness respectively. In order to decrease the stress concentration, increasing the width of the reinforcement for the circular hole is more effective than increasing the depth and it is reverse for the square hole. For the buckling strength, the reinforcement for the square hole is much more effective than the circular hole to the same area of the reinforcement.
- 福山大学の論文
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