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Elasto-plastic shear buckling of square plates containing centrally located square holes is investigated analytically. Critical loads are obtained by the Rayleigh-Ritz method in combination with the finite element method used only to evaluate in-plane stresses. The plates are subjected to uniform shear stress or uniform shear deformation. Ratios of the hole length to the plate length are 0.15,0.3,0.5,0.7 and 0.85. The influence of the square hole and in-plane loading condition on buckling strength is considered on various sized holes. The results suggest that the buckling strength in the uniform shear deformation is higher than the uniform shear stress in the elastic and elasto-plastic ranges. These phenomena are more remarkable for the clamped plates than the simply supported plates in the elastic range and for the simply supported plates than the clamped plates in the elasto-plastic range.
- 福山大学の論文
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