「写生」の展開としての峰地光重実践 : 初期綴方実践から郷土教育へ
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The pre-war practice by Mineji Mitsushige can be divided into three periods with completely different styles. The aim of this paper is to deal with the way the "agenda" existed, which was used as the common method for the practice of the three periods, and through such consideration, to give an overview of the whole Mineji education and demonstrate both its consistency and the transition. The early Tsudurikata practice was that writers, and the children themselves, found subject matters around them to satisfy their creative needs and expressed themselves with those descriptions, which was an instruction of "sketches." The "agenda" can be characterized as an impetus to find subject matters. "Life study" in the second period is the practice of discovering around them subject matters in "life" and express that "life." The aim of "Local teaching" in the third period is to practice seeing one's hometown with "sketching" eyes. Both of the "agendas" are impetuses to discovery. It can be said that the Mineji practice was a consistent one to develop "sketches."
- 2009-09-30
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