スパルタ東海岸のペリオイコイ地域の動向 : ThyreatisとKynouriaを中心に
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Thyreatis and Kynouria seem to have been independent at least until the Battle of Champions in 546 B C E , after which they composed one part of Spartan territory At this point Hysiai belonged geographically to Tegeatis and is supposed to have been an autonomous and independent entity That is to say, it belonged to Tegeatis, but demonstrated pro-Spartan tendencies and formed a buffer between Sparta and Argos through the period until its annexation to Argos by Argive synoikismos It was for that reason that before his landing in Sepeia, Kleomenes attempted to invade Argos across the Erasinos River, and performed his frontier sacrifice(diabateria) As for Kynouria, it seems appropriate to discriminate between Thyreatis and the other southern regions Thyreatis remained under Argos after the Phihppos's award in 338 B C E , but the poleis of south Kynouria sometimes changed their belonging and showed no necessary affinity for Argos The east Parnon foreland further south continued to be part of Spartan territory As Sparta declined in time, the Parnon foreland came under Argive influence for a time following the Battle of Sellasia, but it eventually became part of the Koinon of the Lakedaimonians and finally the Koinon of Eleuterolakoma As suggested by archeological data from the earliest temple to Apollon Tytntas, this region may have been under Spartan influence at around the 7th century B C E, and was probably situated as the Perioikic region This was certainly the situation after the battle of Champions In that context, should we understand Thyreatis to have been situationed as the Perioikic region immediately after it came under Spartan control ? Unfortunately, we have meager evidence for actual conditions in Thyreatis at this time On the other hand, the fact that Sparta settled some exiled Aiginetans presumably as Aiginetan polis in this region during the Peloponnesian War seems to suggest that Thyreatis was given a strategically different status from the Penoikic regions It is unknown how the ingenious people were treated during this period While we must acknowledge that human activity here was continuous throughout the period In light of the relationship with Argos, Thyreatis was likely viewed as a region where Spartan authorities could mobilize human and natural resources as they saw fit, in accord with Spartan strategic requirements That is to say, Thyreatis was likely administered by the Spartan polis as a kind of politike chora, without being divided into kleroi In conclusion, Thyreatis can likely be considered as the outermost of G Shipley's "three zone structure in Lakonia" (Note), it bordered Argos along the Erasinos river, even though otherwise separated by Hysiai And after Hysiai's annexation by Argos, Thyreatis was directly opposite Argos across Mount Parthenios and Mount Zavitsa As a result, Thyreatis seems to have somewhat of a different significance for Sparta from its other northern border regions with its allied poleis of the Peloponnesian League on the further north Note G Shipley, "The Other Lakedaimomoi The Dependent Penoikic Poleis of Lakonia and Messema," in M H Hansen (ed), The Polis as an Urban Centre and as a Political Community, Symposium, August 29-31, 1996 (Acts of the Copenhagen Pohs Centre 4), Copenhagen, 1997
- 日本西洋古典学会の論文
- 2003-03-20
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- 書評 S. Hodkinson, Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta
- スパルタ東海岸のペリオイコイ地域の動向 : ThyreatisとKynouriaを中心に
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