詩人ポリュペーモス : テオクリトス,11
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The frame enclosing the song of Polyphemos contains a joke. Only after one has. completed the reading of the whole poem, does one realize that Polyphemos is, ultimately, not cured of his love-sickness as the initial gnome suggests, and that the use of the same word 'αειδειν' in two different contexts is deliberately made ambiguous: song as remedy (vv. 17-18) and as symptom of love (vv. 13-14). Theocritos is here not concerned with giving advice to his friend, rather, the point of the whole poem is put in the comic-tragic figure of a Cyclops singing of his love on the shore. The correspondence ingenuously set between v. 19 and v. 75 humorously brings home to the reader the paradoxical and incongruous situation in which Polyphemos finds himself, and he keeps holding his comic self-respect to the end of his song (vv. 77-79). Moreover, the song abounds in jokes both mythological and literary. The former type of jokes is coloured by means of the mythological themes familiar to the reader which drop from Polyphemos' mouth with some effects of tragic irony: he invokes Zeus in his oath (v. 29), being son of the sea-nymph Thoosa, he nevertheless cannot swim (v. 54), he looks forward to the arrival of a stranger (vv. 60-61) etc. Jokes are of literary nature where Polyphemos is less sophisticated and his apparently figurative expressions unexpectedly turn out to be meant. literally: he takes his dream as reality (vv. 22-24) , his song is large-scale paraklausithyron (v. 43) , the fire of love becomes in his mouth real fire (vv. 50-53) etc. His modest promise of gifts (vv. 56-59) and his extravagant complaints of grief (vv. 70-71) disclose in their naivete the absurdity of contemporary love poems' conventionalism. These jokes are meant not merely funny. They at the same time have the effect of emphasizing the genuineness of Polyphemos' feeling. And his figure is depicted so as to conform to the popular notion of melancholic poet meditating in solitude (vv. 14, 17-18). The lightly pathetic figure of Polyphemos is all the more amusing as it is nothing but a caricature of poet.
- 日本西洋古典学会の論文
- 1975-03-29
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- ギリシア悲劇の詩句分析と電子計算機
- 詩人ポリュペーモス : テオクリトス,11