- 論文の詳細を見る
The stories of the past oracles (711ff and 774ff) as told by Iokaste and Oidipus have a common feature in "structure" that the fear of an oracle makes the person (s) concerned attempt to escape its fulfilment, only to bring about the events foretold by it Now an analysis of the play reveals that there is a similar pattern in the actions A The fear of Teiresias' prophecy of the banishment as Laios' murderer which Oidipus suspects to be part of a conspiracy makes him attempt to escape its fulfilment by condemning the supposed conspirator Kreon to death, only to learn, after the release of the latter, the details of Laios' death from Iokaste who, wishing to free him from his fear, does the opposite B The renewed fear (cf 747) of Teiresias' prophecy makes him attempt to escape its fulfilment by summoning as a sole hope Laios' former herdsman who reported the king's murder by "robbers" C The fear of the oracle (incest) makes him attempt to escape its fulfilment by refusing to return to Corinth, only to learn from the Corinthian that he, when infant, was about to be exposed by Laios' herdsman It is only natural, seeing he has just now confessed his intense fear of the oracle (incest) in 973ff, that the fear of the oracle (patricide and incest) is renewed when he knows that he was an unwanted child probably of Theban origin D The renewed fear of the past oracle makes him attempt to escape its fulfilment by interrogating the herdsman about his parents (and by avoiding meeting them), only to find the dire truth There is apparently a break between A B and C D The Corinthian's arrival itself is an unexpected surprise not only for Oidipus and Iokaste but also for the spectators, for it occurs not as a consequence of the previous actions but as if Apollon responded to Iokaste's prayer (919ff) The unity of plot, however, is kept by Oidipus' attempts to escape fulfilment of prophecy and oracle Teiresias' prophecy is essentially the same in content as the past oracle, the difference being that the former foretells the results of the latter It is in C that Aristotle (Po 1452a 22ff) sees the play's peripeteia This peripeteia is brought about "in accordance with probability or necessity", that is, "because of, not after" (1452a 21) Oidipus' attempts to escape fulfilment of prophecy and oracle Oidipus seeks the truth about Laios' murder and his parentage, but he does not seek it for itself but in order to escape fulfilment of Teiresias' prophecy and of the past oracle What finally causes his ruin is not his quest for the truth but his attempts to escape fulfilment of prophecy and oracle, as in the case of his father (711ff) But to attempt to escape fulfilment of prophecy and oracle is, in other words, to struggle against one's own fate Through knowledge of this fact Oidipus comes to recognize and accept the fate as his own
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