5. 植物種子の保存とガラス転移温度(セミナー「低温と乾燥による生物保存技術への挑戦〜マミーエンジニアリング」)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Seed plants, such as rice, wheat, soybean, and corn, are very important staple for people around the world. Thus, as the world's population continuously swell, there is a pressing need to increase and improve food production and quality. Selective breeding of plants requires seed preservation at low temperature. Seed life-span is dependent on relative humidity, so that longer shelf-life is attained at low temperature and humidity states. In this report, thermal analysis of rice, watermelon, pumpkin, and cucumber seeds was conducted. Changes in the freezing and non-freezing water of unpolished rice grains at each growth stage after flowering were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The moisture content of unpolished rice grains rapidly increased until 10 days and decreased 20days after flowering. The length of unpolished rice grains remained unchanged after 10 days. The non-freezing water content peaked at the 10^<th> day and reached constant value after 20 days. The glass transition temperature was constant at about -100℃ up to 40 days after flowering. However the glass transition temperature abruptly increased after the 40^<th> day, when the freezing (unbound) water in the rice grains was no longer observed in the unpolished rice. For the unpolished rice, therefore, the glass transition temperature seemed to be dependent on the grain moisture content. The glass transition temperature of melon, cucumber, pumpkin, and watermelon seeds in full grown stage was at about 100℃. Fully ripe seed was stable at room temperature and germinated for high temperature above the glass transition of seed
- 2008-08-21
- 大気中の二酸化炭素をカイコやクモが糸に取り込む : 地球温暖化を防ぎつつ高分子を形成できる可能性も
- 5. 植物種子の保存とガラス転移温度(セミナー「低温と乾燥による生物保存技術への挑戦〜マミーエンジニアリング」)
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- 第38回熱測定討論会
- 生物の構造形成とガラス転移温度