1. 作物の耐凍性の季節的変化(セミナー「低温環境への植物の適応-基礎と応用」)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have observed year to year variation in seasonal changes in freezing tolerance of wheat and herbage crops in Sapporo. From induction in early autumn to wintering time in December, which is cold acclimation period, air temperature is the main factor for determining development of freezing tolerance. In detail, perennial grasses and legume induce hardening when daily minimum air temperature fall below 10℃ from late September to early October. Since then cold hardiness develops almost linearly in proportion to decrease Jn air temperatures till the field is covered with snow. The hardening process consists of at least two stages with a turning point at around 0℃. In the first stage where positive temperature prevails, plant hardiness correlates with reduction of water. Water content increases hardly in the second stage at freezing temperatures, but plant hardiness continues to develop. Plant size influences on freezing tolerance less than on snow tolerance, but it needs more than three weeks of prehardening growth at optimum growth temperature to exhibit its ability in full. After attainment of the maximum hardiness in late December, freezing tolerance diminishes slowly under snow cover. The degree of decreasing hardiness is related with amount of depletion of total sugar content during under-snow period. The snow tolerant variety of wheat could keep metabolism in low level under snow due to be less sensitive to comparatively high temperature around 0℃, whereas the freezing tolerant wheat variety responds much to such temperatures resulting in exhibiting high level of hardiness by using much energy.
- 低温生物工学会の論文
- 1996-07-28
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- 1. 作物の耐凍性の季節的変化(セミナー「低温環境への植物の適応-基礎と応用」)
- ムギ類、牧草の越冬機構