絵本の文に関する研究 : 耳から聞く物語の文構成について
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When Young children take pleasure in picture books, their pleasure is practically derived from adult's reading. In that case, Children receive much information through two receptors : their eyes and their ears. The formaer helps children perceive the details of a picture book visually, Whereas the latter helps them perceive the text of a picture book aurally, as they are told by adults, This latter case indicates that for children ten text of a pictre book is almost equivalent to that of story-telling. Today, a story-telling campaign has been spread in the whole country, mainly by the hands of public librarians and volunteer workers for children home libraries. The campaign has not only brought forth a great number of story-tellers but also promoted theoretical studies on story=telling. Kyoko Matsuoka, the deputy of Tokyo Children conditions of textual structure, for I speculate that texts of picture books and those of story=telling have many points in common. In this paper, I have examined the thext of "The Story of Little Black Sambo "by Helen Banneerman in terms of Matsuoka's conditions of textual structre. In my future research, I will continue to examined the textual structure, of various other picture books by the same method as has been employed in this paper , so that the limits and validity Matsuoka's conditions as criteria for wvaluating the texts of ppicture books will be clarified. The study presented in this paper is the first step toward that goal.
- 松山東雲女子大学・松山東雲短期大学の論文