本学植栽の樹木の染色特性 : (第1報)やまももの実の染色特性
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Nine years have passed since our campus moved to Hitoichiba from Nagara. On our campus, silk trees, Japanese pagoda trees, cherry trees, bayberrys and other dozens of kinds of trees are planed. It presents, so to speak, "a campus with full of trees". As for as bayberry, description about the dyeing technique of branch and trunks are reported.But description about that of bayberry is not reported. Therefore I examined practical use of this as dyeing color materials. First I clarified the kinds of the fiber were dyed by bayberry. The silk was dyed very well. However, the synthetic fiber(polyester, acrylic etc.) was not dyed at all. Next I examined the influence by dyeing temperature for bayberry. It was dyed better at low temperature. It was clear that it was dyed better with a longer dyeing time. I evaluated the consumption characteristics (tests for colorfastness to light, to rubbing and to hot pressing ) of silk. I reported about the fundamental dyeing characteristics of bayberry as below.
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