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Clinical analysis was performed by gastrocamera, gastric biopsy and gastric juice examination about the patients with atrophic gastritis, gastropolyp, essential hypochromic anemia, pernicious anemia, leukemia, IgG myeloma, primary macroglobulinemia and Hodgkin's disease. These results are reported in this paper. 1) Many cases of essential hypochromic anemia showed normal or slightly atrophied mucosa on gastrorcopic examination. In atrophic gastritis patients, however, no correlation was observed between gland atrophy and serum iron level. It is difficult to consider atrophic gastritis and anacidity to be the causative condition for iron deficiency. 2) Comparing the histological findings of the stomach in pernicious anemia and of primary atrophic gastritis, cell infiltration and fibrosis were characteristic difference. Gland atrophy was not conspicuous picture to differencite these. With the progress of gland atrophy, cell infiltration and fibrosis, cases with atrophic gastritis showed tendency to depreciate the serum vitamin B_<12> value. This tendency, however, was numerically more obvious in pernicious anemia. From these results it is impossible to consider that gland atrophy is the major cause of instrinsic factor deficiency leading to pernicious anemia. 3) In leukemia, myeloma and Hodgkin's disease apparent abnormal cell infiltration was observed by the gastrocamera. In about about half of the leukemic patients, cell infiltration was observed in biopsy specimen. There wbs not such abnormal cell infiltration in myeloma and Hodgkin's disease. 4) Increase in albumin, which reveales in normal and digestive disease by electrophoresis of gastric juice, was observed in 2 cases of 15 essential hypochromic anemia, in I out of 7 leukemic cases, in pernicious anemia, in I of 5 myeloma, in primary macroglobulinemia and in I case of 2 Hodgkin's disease. 5) By the gastric biopsy in primary macroglobulinemia, only slight atrophy was found. A large quantity of IgM as well as albumin was observed on the electrophoresic findings of gastric juice.
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