試験管内放射性沃度標識L-Triiodothyronine Resin摂取率を用いた甲状腺機能検査法の検討
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The conventional resin uptake of ^<131>I-triiodothyronine (T_3) as a test of thyroid function was studied and a new simple method to measure serum thyroxine (T_4) was introduced by using the modified resin uptake of ^<131>I-T_3. (1) The values (mean±standard deviation) of the resin uptake of ^<131>I-T_3 were 1) euthyroid subjects, 31.9±2.36% ; 2) hyperthyroidism, 48.2±9.15% ; 3) hypothyroidism, 23.9±3.22%. Low resin uptake values in hypothyroidism always elevated in normal range after the appropriate administration of 1-T_3, 1-T_4, desiccated thyroid and iodocasein prior to improvement of clinical status. Therefore, the test may be useful as a index during the treatment of hypothyroidism. Contamination with organic and inorganic iodine did not interfere with the test. (2) A new simple method for the determination of serum thyroxine was made as follows. Two ml of the test sample was deproteinized by adding 95% ethanol, the T_4 thus freed was added to 05 ml of the standard serum and the ^<131>I-T_3 resin uptake of this mixture was measured according to the conventional method. This value was calibrated using the standard curve obtained with various known concentration of T_4. This calibrated T_4 values were further corrected using the value of recovery of T_4 from the serum sample to the ethanol extract. The finding of T_4 iodine (mean±standard deviation) by the present method in various groups of diseases were 1) euthyroid subjects, 5.7±1.08μg/100 ml ; 2) hyperthyroidism, 10.9±2.30μg/100 ml ; 3) hypothyroidism, 2.3±0.70μg/100 ml ; 4) pregnancy, 7.0±1.31μg/100 ml ; 5) nephrosis, 2.3±0.94μg/100 ml ; 6) newborn infant, 13.7±2.08μg/100 ml ; and 7) arterial cord blood, 7.1±0.77μg/100 ml. The T_4 iodine value were correlated well with the FBI value. A satisfactory reproducibility was observed through 35 duplicate determinations. These results proved that this method could be used as the routine clinical diagnostic test in place of the determination of PBI.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1966-01-28
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- 試験管内放射性沃度標識L-Triiodothyronine Resin摂取率を用いた甲状腺機能検査法の検討
- 16.急性黄色肝萎縮症の一剖検例(第61回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会,第391回干葉医学会分科会)
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