- 論文の詳細を見る
Fifteen cat brains containing surgical lesions in the association cortex and the surrounding cortices were studied by the use of the Nauta staining technique for degenerating fibers. Lesions were strictly localized at the cortex and the subjacent white matters were free from invasion. From the cortical lesions in the association cortex (anterior two third of the middle suprasylvian gyrus and anterior one third of the anterior lateral gyrus) numerous degenerating fibers could be followed into the diverse subcortical structures. However, these projection fibers were divided into following four main pathways. (1) Projection fibers entering the caudate nucleus by way of the ipsilateral internal capsule. (2) Projection fibers through thalamic reticular nucleus [a] to the dorsal lateral nucleus, [b] to the lateral central nucleus and the adjacent part of the posterior lateral nucleus and [c], in somewhat posterior, to the lateral part of the posterior lateral nucleus and to the pulvinar. (3) The fibers, which has been located in the ventral part of the thalamic reticular nucleus at the level of the lateral geniculate body dividing the thalamic reticular nucleus into the dorsal and ventral parts, course to the following four directions : Projection fibers [a] to the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate body, [b] through the ventral part of the posterior lateral nucleus to the centrum medianum nucleus, [c] following the "b" group fibers mentioned above, through the ventral part of the posterior lateral nucleus and the suprageniculate nucleus mainly to the nucl. pretectalis profundus (Bucher & Nauta) and, to a lesser extent, to str. griseum intermedium of the superior collieulus and to the mesencephalic reticular formation,[d] from the internal capsule and the cerebral peduncle through the ventral part of the thalamic reticular nucleus to the zona incerta and Forel's H neld and further caudally to the dorsolateral part of the red nucleus (distributed mainly around the medium sized cells) and the adjacent mesencephalic reticular formation as well. (4) Fibers remaining in the cerebral peduncle, to the ipsilateral pontine nuclei. Among these projection fibers, the tracts to the striatum, pontine nuclei, centrum medianum nucleus and str. griseum intermedium of the superior colliculus originate not only in the association cortex but in the gyri anterior and ventral to it. The cortical area projecting to the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate body and to pulvinar corresponds mainly to the visual cortex but partially to the association cortex from behind. The area in which the tract takes its origin to the posterior lateral nucleus corresponds mostly to the association cortex but, strictly speaking, this area shows somewhat wider extent. The tracts to the dorsal lateral nucleus, lateral central nucleus, nucl. pretectalis profundus (Bucher & Mauta), ventral part of the thalamic reticular nucleus, zona incerta, Forel's H fieldr red nucleus and mesencephalic reticular formation take origins mainly within the association cortex.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1965-05-28
- 言語障害と脳損傷部位 : Standard Language Test of Aphasiaでとらえた言語症状とComputed Tomography像の比較
- 4. 頭部外傷の急性期における診断および治療の検討(交通外傷,第44回千葉医学会総会 第13回千葉県医師会学術大会 第6回日医医学講座連合大会)
- 3. 頭部外傷急性期における診断と処置(頭部外傷,第455回千葉医学会例会 第5回千葉大学医学部神経精神医学教室同門集談会)
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- 1.教室における脳腫瘍統計的観察(脳腫瘍について,シンポジウム,第427回千葉医学会例会,第3回神経科同門集談会)
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- 33. 脳血管写による脳動脈硬化の重症度分類の1つの試みについて(第423回千葉医学会例会)
- Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathyについて : 神経・精神疾患の神経病理学的研究(2)(脳と神経の研究VI)
- I-C-17 Mumps Systemを用いたてんかんのデータベースについて
- Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum 25 Glossary of Neurotraumatology, Edited by E.S. Gurdjian, J. Brihaye, J.C. Christensen, R.A. Frowein, S. Lindgren, W. Luyendijk, G. Norlen, A.K. Ommaya, I. Oprescu, A. de Vasconcellos Marques, R.P. Vigouroux, Springer-V
- 脳室穿破を合併した脳内血腫のCT所見について
- てんかんのCT所見について
- Microvascular Anastomomoses for Cerebral Ischemia, Jack M. Fein O. Howard Reichman, Springer-Verlag New York, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1978(らいぶらりい)
- Computed Tomographyによる頭蓋内疾患の診断(その2)異常編
- Computed tomographyによる頭蓋内疾患の診断(その1).正常編
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- 頭痛について(あらあむ・しぐなる)
- 頭部外傷の診断(交通事故による脳障害,第48回千葉医学会学術大会,第17回千葉県医師会学術大会,第10回日医医学講座連合大会抄録集)
- 頭部外傷の診断(交通事故による脳障害,第48回千葉医学会学術大会,第17回千葉県医師会学術大会,第10回日医医学講座,連合大会)
- 6.脳腫瘍の治療成績(脳腫瘍について,シンポジウム,第427回千葉医学会例会,第3回神経科同門集談会)
- 18.教室の頭蓋内腫瘍の集計的観察(第1報)(第38回千葉医学会総会,第7回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
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- 2. Transtentorial herniationの臨床診断学的考察(一般演題抄録,第416回千葉医学会例会 神経科同門集談会)
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