- 論文の詳細を見る
Mechanical vibration on the skeletal muscle (M. triceps surae) of a normal man whose limb was fixed by a plaster cast to get isometric contraction, was followed by a change in the H-wave amplitude, recovery curve, and response time. The results are as follows: 1) When high frequency (about 300c.p.s.) vibration was given to the muscle, the amplitude of H-wave became larger, the recovery curve shifted to the left, and the response time became shorter. This result suggests that facilitation of the monosynaptic transmission occurs in the neuron-pool of the ventral horn by high frequency vibration to the muscle. This facilitation comes from augumentation of Group la afferent discharges that are derived from stretching the muscles by mechanical vibration. This phenomenon is the same as posttetanic potentiation in the human body evoked by tetanic electrical stimulation to the Group la fibers. 2) When low frequency (below 50c.p.s.) vibration was given to the muscle, the amplitude of H-wave became smaller, the recovery curve shifted to the right, and the response time increased in duration. This result suggests that depression of the monosynaptic transmission occurs in the spinal level by low freqency vibration on the muscle. The depression comes from augumentation of the afferent discharges (Group II and III) of sensory receptors in the skin. This was the first time that the author uncovered such phenomena in the human body. These phenomena are very useful in the treatment of paralyzed cases concerned with the department of rehabilitation.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1964-09-28
- 進行性筋ジストロフィー症の研究(第2報) : 特にリハビリテーションの意義に関する考察(脳と神経の研究III)
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- 14. 当センター小児神経外来受診児の動態(小児)第26回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会
- 3. 脳血管障害による片麻痺の下肢変形に対する手術的治療の検討(脳卒中)第26回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会
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- 49. H波による脊髄モニターの経験(第520回千葉医学会例会 整形外科例会)
- 23. リハビリテーション領域における振動刺激の応用(第III部,一般口演,第46回千葉医学会総会,第15回千葉県医師会学術大会,第8回日医医学講座連合大会抄録集)
- 人体筋紡錘に対する高頻度振動の効果(脳と神経の研究)
- 1. 下腿複雑骨折の1治験例(整形外秋災害外科懇談会,第398回千葉医学会整形外科例会 第7回千葉整形外科災害外科臨床懇談会)
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- 図表でみる乳児筋性斜頸
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