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A histopathological study of bone and bone marrow in prolonged sensitization induced in 30 rabbits by repeated intramuscular injections of egg-white, egg albumin-, and bovine serum albumin-liquid paraffin Arlacel emulsion treated with ultrasonic wave procedure or intraparanasal and intravenous injections of egg white, and horse serum is presented. The study has revealed that serous exudation or seroexudative-histolytic reaction of the angibmesenchymal tissue of bone and bone marrow followed by hyperplasia of myeloid tissue as well as its extension to bone tissue, or myeloid metaplasia of the angiomesenchymal tissue of bone takes plase following the antigenic stimulations. The aforementioned process becomes manifest in the course of prolonged and repeated antigenic stimulations. In the later or terminal stage, hyperplasia of myeloid tissue subsides and falls into exhaustion, i. e., atrophy or mild fibrosis (one rabbit, 322 experimental days). In some instances, however, marked hyperplasia accompanied with structural alteration ("Splenoides Mark") is followed by fibrillosis and fibrosis even in the earlier stage (4 rabbits, 39, 108, 120, and 236 days). Extensive or pathy inflammatory exudation and following fibrosis also appear in the course of prolonged sensitization (6 rabbits, 40, 83, 114, 118, 164, and 232 days). Besides these fibrosing processes, there occures focal fibrosis in the organization of anemic infarction of bone and myeloid tissue due to thrombotic angitis (4 rabbits, 80, 95, 160, arid 238 days). The processes mentioned above take place both in bone and in bone marrow and eventually bring about a picture of osteomyelofibrosis as a result of the collaboration of various processes (5 rabbits, 80, 83, 114, 160, and 238 days).
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1963-01-28
- 9.正常ラット肺の血管構造(第698回 千葉医学会例会・第18回 肺癌研究施設例会)
- 広範な浸潤および転移を認めた悪性びまん型胸膜中皮腫の1剖検例
- IgA腎症に対するステロイド療法の効果予知マーカーに関する検討-管外性病変の意義-
- 慢性肝炎の生検組織像における線維化の定量的評価
- 肝生検の組織診断へのフラクタル解析の応用
- 肝細胞癌との鑑別が困難であった肝focal nodular hyperplasiaの1例
- 慢性関節リウマチに付随した腸管型アミロイドーシスの1剖検例
- 十二指腸平滑筋肉腫の一例
- 501 肝門部胆管癌における肝内胆管枝への肝側壁内, 壁外進展範囲に関する組織学的検討(第39回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 早期性成熟を示した前縦隔洞原発悪性奇形腫の1剖検例
- 22)術後17年で局所再発および肝転移を来した胸腺原発非定型的カルチノイドの一例(第17回日本胸腺研究会)
- 糸球体腎炎と細胞反応
- 6.橋本病と自己免疫(甲状腺疾患の臨床)
- Current Topics in Pathology Vol.58, Grundmann, E., Kirsten, W.H., Pp. 199., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heiderberg, New York, 1973(らいぶらりい)
- エモリー大学から(海外だより)
- 感作ウサギにおける骨と骨髄の態度
- 肝細胞癌に対する各種経動脈的治療法の比較検討