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Radiologic examinations were made, with the following results, on 25 cases of gastric polyp and 40 cases of gastric cancer. 1. Best diagnosis of the polyps about 1 cm length was made by the combination of diagnostic methods which were upright position, right oblique position, mucosol pattern, supine position and compression. It is of little help in diagnosis of polyp to be made by each diagnosis method individually. Diagnostic effects depended on the combination of diagnostic methods increased geometricaly in the correctness of diagnosis. 2. a) Peristaltic abnormality were observed in the stomach with polyp which located in the gastric magin. Gastric rotation was a very important finding to diagnose gastric polyp. b) Characteristic X-ray findings of the polyp stem has been observed. Much more detailed patterns which had great diagnostic value were found in this study.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 11) 当教室に於けるアイソトープに関する中間報告(千葉医学会第30回総会,昭和28年度千葉県医師会医学会連合大会)
- 3. 胃の良性腫瘍のX線学的研究(第332回千葉医学会例会-放射線部会-)
- 胃ポリープのX線学的研究