- 論文の詳細を見る
I have carried on clinical and experimental studies on the various volumes of circulating blood and their change in cases of nephritis, and how they are related with edema, urination, blood pressure, etc. For this purpose, I have kept continuous observation in 22 cases in different stages of this disease all along their development and also on dogs with Masugi's nephritis, for the volumes of blood, blood serums, and blood corpuscles, the subjucts' weight, blood pressure, urine findings, serous protein and so forth. The serult seems to indicate that (a) ordinarily, when edema occurs, the blood volume either stays normal or registers an increase, while it stays normal where edema does not occur. (b) the blood volume shows a regular change of a definite nature to the occurrence and abatement of edema, (c) while blood pressure and the blood volume are harmonious in their change, the urination and the plasma volume are frequently seen reversely related, and (d) observations on dogs with Masugi's nephritis go to confirm all these clinical findings, especially verifying the findings about the blood volume at the outset of this disease and so on. Thus I have conducted researches in the medical physiology of nephirtis and Masugi's allergic nephritis.
- 千葉大学の論文
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