- 論文の詳細を見る
This study is intended to investigate the effects of B.C.G. vaccination on infection and onset of tuberculosis and to clarify the relationship between infection and onset of tuberculosis in recent years. (1) Tuberculin reaction among natural positive convertors did not fluctuate for a long pariod irrespective of the history of B.C.G. vaccination. (2) Transition of tuberculin reaction among vaccinated positive convertors was as follows: erythema hardly disappeared but induration disappeared usually within 18 months or so. (3) The B.C.G. vaccination seems to inhibit the infection of tuberculosis to some degree. (4) The incidence of tuberculosis in the vaccinated group seems to be lower than in the non-vaccinated group. No difference in the rate of occurrence of tuberculosis among infected positive convertors was observed between the two groups. (5) The rate of occurrence of tuberculosis among the infected positive convertors investigated one year, two year and three years after receiving B.C.G. vaccination was approximately 8 per cent. (6) The stronger the tuberculin reaction at infected positive conversion, the highe: was the incidence of tuberculosis. The incidence was particularly higher in the double erythema group. This trend had no relation with the B.C.G. vaccination performed before natural positive conversion. (7) There was no difference between the vaccinated group and the non-vaccinated group in the locale and type of tuberculosis developed within one year after discovery of natural positive conversion. From the findings mentioned above, the B.C.G. vaccination may be considered to inhibit the infection to some degree, but further study will be required to determine its effect upon the course after infected positive conversion.
- 千葉大学の論文
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