頸動脈毬と赤血球調節に関する知見補遺 : 主として頸動脈毬を起点とする赤血球調節の求心性徑路に就て
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There have been many reports regarding research in neurogenic regulation of blood cell count since Schulhof-Mathes, Hoff-Lindhardt and Rosenow reported from 1927 to 1928. The keenest component above all in this subject was Prof. Komiya, who devoted in statistic study on it for a period of more than 20 years. Nevertheless, the centripetal tract of this function has been left as a complete enigma before the advent of Fukamachi's report indicating that the carotid body forms its origin. Following his investigation, I have continued an exploration in relationship between the carotid body and regulation of red cell count, especially in the centripetal tract, by which the following results turned out 1) The carotid body has a function, regulation of red cell count, as stated readily by Fukamachi, which is not compensated by any other organ. 2) It is in accord with Fukamachi's report that the carotid body is able to perceive changes in Ph of the blood as stimuli to change of red cell count. However, some substances such NaCN or Na2_S render this body certain .stimuli without changes in Ph of the blood. In the light of this fact, it may assume definitely that stimuli to increase in red cell count are by no means unique substances. 3) The centripetal tract for regulation of red cell count, originating in the carotid body, arrives at the sup. cerv. Ggl. where it enters into the vergus nerve via the communicating fibers, and ascends toward its center in the brain. 4) The centrifugal tract which Prof. Komiya and his associates have advocated as a tract for regulation of red cell count is joined with the centripetal tract mentioned herein. Namely, ranging each other, both of them conform a complete reflex arc. Erythropoetin, the substances which they have persisted, is yielded via this reflex tract by also administration of NaCN or Na_2S.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1955-05-28
- 35)清水厚生病院の現況 : 4年間の統計(第377回千葉医学会整形外科例会,第6回千葉整形外科災害外科臨床懇談会,千葉県労災指定医集談会)
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- 50.所謂術後紅皮症と思われる1例(第376回千葉医学会例会,第11回中山外科例会)
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- 頸動脈毬と赤血球調節に関する知見補遺 : 主として頸動脈毬を起点とする赤血球調節の求心性徑路に就て
- 60) 頸動脈毬と赤血球調節に関する知見補遺(第322回千葉医学会例会,中山外科例会連合会演説要旨(その3))
- 10) 頸動脉毬剔出遠隔時に於ける赤血球調節機能に就て(第310回千葉医学会例会,第6回中山外科教室集談会連合会演説要旨(その2))