一八世紀ロシア帝国における専制とドイツ人エリート : ロシア外交に対するオステルマンの役割を手がかりに(<特集>2008年度大会)
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In the second half of the 17th century, in the German territories, which aimed to recover from the destruction caused by the Thirty Years' War, especially in the central region (for example, Halle, Leipzig, Jena, Wittenberg, Erfurt and Gotha) developed several remarkable intellectual movements: Pietism, cameralism and German early Enlightenment (in addition, Polizeiwissenschaft). In these trends we can find the similar tendency towards the justification of the reforming policies of each secular Prince to maximize the resources in his territory, maintaining the current institutional framework. Heinrich-Johann-Friedrich Ostermann, who was born in Bochum and studied in the Jena University, seemed to be one of the elite who transferred into the Russian Empire the political skills caused by the above-mentioned German intellectuals. In 1720s and 1730s, Ostermann led the College of foreign policies and tried to seek for the pro-Austrian policy, which helped Russia to act vigorously in the arena of the European international system. Furthermore, in St. Petersburg he formed the network of the diplomats sent from the several European states and collected much information beneficial to the Russian states. Osrtermann's contribution to the settlement of the internal policies and the improvement of the court lives was also large. Paying attention to his activities could lead to reconsideration of the important role of second stringers in the historical development.
- 2009-06-16
- 一八世紀ロシア帝国における専制とドイツ人エリート : ロシア外交に対するオステルマンの役割を手がかりに(2008年度大会)
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