米切手再考 : 宝暦十一年空米切手停止令の意義
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Despite the huge body of research on the rice market of late premodern Japan, we still have not obtained a sufficient understanding of transactions involving rice warrants (komekitte 米切手), receipts issued to successful rice bidders (intermediaries) by warehouses. Given the current understanding of the instrument, it remains unclear about how cases in which receipts issued by the warehouse (dekitte 出切手) and warrants for rice not confirmed by warehouse inventory (karamai-kitte 空米切手) were differentiated and transacted in the marketplace. Without a clarification of this point, it would be impossible to ascertain the significance of the ban placed on karamai-kitte instruments by the Tokugawa Bakufu in 1761. In this article, the author uses the case study method to clarify the actual practice of rice warrant transactions to show that degitte and karamai-kitte were traded without distinction between their content. The only distinction that was made was when the warehouse refused to honor a warrant or there was anticipation that it would not. Based on this understanding, the author reexamines the Bakufu's decision to ban the use of karamai-kitte from the mid-eighteenth century until the last years of its rule, concluding that the ban paradoxically encouraged the issuance and sale of warrants for warehouse rice exceeding the actual inventories, thus strengthening the function of the Osaka rice market as a financial institution. That is to say, the ban on karamai-kitte meant a Bakufu guarantee that no warrant traded on the rice market could possibly suffer from default. In effect, even in the case of default, the ban enabled the holder of the warrant to petition the Bakufu functionary of Osaka to order that the warehouse honor the warrant with every means at its disposal.
- 2009-06-20
- 近世日本米市場における財産権の保護
- 米切手再考 : 宝暦十一年空米切手停止令の意義
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