- 論文の詳細を見る
There is no report that examined the validity of accelerometer based portable activity monitor (SEI: Score of Exercise Intensity) in a voluntary speed walking in nature trail including uphill and downhill. The purpose of the present study was, therefore, to assess the validity of SEI in hill walking in "Satoyama", combined with HR-VO_2 slope in the laboratory exercise tests. Eleven young females walked at a voluntary speed in the Satoyama-hill, that consisted of 1825m distance and 69m undulation (field test). The subjects also had the incremental cycling tests and the treadmill walking test in order to obtain the HR-VO_2 slopes (lab test). The METs was estimated by SEI, HR-VO_2 slopes and measured VO_2. The METs values from SEI during uphill, level and downhill parts in Satoyama field test were 3.8±0.6 METs, 4.2±0.6 METs and 5.1±0.9 METs, respectively. In contrast, the METs values from HR-VO_2 slopes were 6.5±1.4 METs, 6.5±1.6 METs and 4.9±1.3 METs, respectively. The METs from SEI was lower values than that calculated based on HR-VO_2 slope at uphill part and level part in the field test (p<0.01 at uphill and p<0.05 at level). The simulated level walking and uphill walking at mean speed of the field test also showed METs in simulated uphill walking became lower than it calculated from HR-VO_2 slope (p<0.05), if METs was estimated by SEI. These results suggested that the physical intensity in uphill walking at voluntary speed would be underestimated, and the error tended to expand with increasing in uphill grade, if an accelerometer based activity monitor was utilized.
- 日本運動生理学会の論文
- 2009-06-20
増田 和実
増田 和実
Masuda Kazumi
Center For Tara Univ.of Tsukuba
古市 泰郎
加登 万裕子
嶋田 裕哉
高倉 久志
Masuda Kazumi
Center For Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance University Of Tsukuba:institute Of Health And Sport Sc
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- 277. 異なる筋におけるOCTN2の分布(代謝,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
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- 213 Effect of exercise training on the VO_2, muscle oxygenation and blood flow curing plantar flexion in elder
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