「世俗化したピューリタン」論再考 : ベンジャミン・フランクリンの宗教思想について
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Benjamin Franklin has been often characterized as the personification of "the secularized puritan ethic." However, some critics have taken objection to it and argue that Franklin is no puritan but a pure deist. With Max Weber's "the protestant-ethic thesis," this paper argues that Franklin did not identify himself as a puritan at all, but his unconscious thinking form observes the tradition of Puritanism. First, he had the lifelong belief that "the most acceptable service of God is doing good to man," and he construed the word "man" not as personal friends or a family but the "whole" people of society. Second, his life showed a tireless implementation and self-examination for "doing good to man."
- 日本ピューリタニズム学会の論文
- 2008-01-31
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- 「世俗化したピューリタン」論再考 : ベンジャミン・フランクリンの宗教思想について