- 論文の詳細を見る
Recent years, management people have got information technology like PC for their everyday activities. Their fundamental jobs are decision making, as to identify problems, to search for alternative ideas to solve problems, to evaluate and make a choice among alternatives and to implement the decision. Now, there are rather many PC software to support their activities and in this note, I have surveyed some DSS software commercially available. The starting point of supporting management people by PC is spreadsheet software dated back to VisiCalc in 1979. Excel, the de-fact standard of spreadsheet is fundamentally based on the idea of VisiCalc and especially, based on the idea, "electronic blackboard" by Dan Bricklin who developed VisiCalc. Add-in software which can be used with Excel will be easily tried by management people who have literacy for Office Software like Word, Excel or PowerPoint. There are also rather many products which are used as standalone decision support tools. In this note, I discussed on Treeplan, an add-in software for Excel and DPL, an object-oriented modeling tool. Those tools are good for management people to know what decision support system can do for them.
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