"目で生きる"こと : 保育者教育のための私的覚え書き
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This article is a personal note on the quality of training for students who aim to become kindergarten teachers or nurses at nursery schools. There are some difficulties in giving them lectures by the traditional, one-way method. I feel that many of them are not trained to listen quietly to others, and especially some of them have difficulties with "instantaneousness" , impatience or distractibility. There is a coincidence between this trend of "instantaneousness" among these students and what I call "being through the eye" among young children. I am afraid that their cognitive process is enforced by their visually enhanced environments during their childhood, and by school education. Now I expect that by using comics or other visual materials we could open the door into the world of knowledge for our students. But I would not like to believe that we are now meeting the period of "being through the eye" thus in all environments and all the teaching materials should be adapted for being-through-the-eye students.
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