異文化体験のライフコース分析 : 「かつての帰国子女」の追跡調査-第二部報告
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I. Purpose This study aimed to investigate the life courses of Japanese and second-generation emigrants who had lived abroad fifty years ago in a cross-cultural setting when they were children and then came to Japan ("returnees"), and to discover what sort of effects this experience caused in their lives. A survey was conducted on women who had gone through the Special Class for returnee education at Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin (Toyo Eiwa girls' school). II. Method 1. Cohort analysis An interview survey was conducted from the viewpoint of life course analysis. Based on the results of analysis of data obtained by the interviews, shared aspects of life course patterns were identified for each cohort. Common characteristics and unique life courses were then identified by comparison analysis. Cohort analysis was then conducted for the purpose of capturing individual life courses. The surveyed returnees were divided among two cohorts: those who went through the Special Class and later graduated from a regular class between 1938 (before the outbreak of World War II) to 1941 as the Former Cohort, and those who graduated between 1944 (in the last years of the Pacific War) to 1947 (after the war) as the Latter Cohort. The number of interviewed returnees in the Former Cohort was nine, and in Latter Cohort ten. 2. Case histories From the individual life histories obtained by the cohort analysis, cases were examined with respect to how life courses were changed by the effects of World War II and what aspects of cross-cultural experience continued to affect returnees at present. III. Conclusions 1. Returnee life courses changed by World War II 1. A, B, and K of the Former Cohort were nisei (second-generation emigrants) born in the US who came to Japan to study in a Japanese school. During their stay in Japan, the war began. All married Japanese men and lived as Japanese during the war. All their husbands were drafted, and one husband died in the war. After the war ended, the times became very favorable to them. They became civilian employees of the US occupation authorities and were treated as well as Americans. 2. The sisters E and F of the Former Cohort were nisei born in Canada. The war began while they were staying in Japan with their mother, another sister and a brother. All property of their father, who was living in Toronto, was confiscated. He returned to Japan in 1944. They lost their home in an air raid. However, after the end of the war, E and F and their brother and sister made good use of their bilingual and bicultural abilities while working in facilities of the Allies. Each led a prosperous life. 3. The father of R, of the Latter Cohort, was detained in the UK for two and a half years after the outbreak of the war, and returned to Japan in 1944. However the family's house was burned in an air raid and her father was purged. Her family experienced great economic distress. 2. Effects of cross-cultural experience 1. As the effects of a "great and abundant natural environment," many returnees pointed out their fondness of nature, interest in living things (animals and plants) and broad-minded, open and honest characters. Also this affected the origin of their sense of values and viewpoints, etc. 2. The cross-cultural experience gave a great benefit to returnees by not only making them bilingual or bicultural and giving them English-language skills, but also in that they knew the culture and lives of two countries. They valued the cross-cultural experience in terms of fostering global views among them. 3. It seems that the effects of cross-cultural experience contributed to creating the personalities of returnees throughout their life courses. The effects could be observed in all returnees from various perspectives, such as relative viewpoint, way of thinking, sense of values, conception, critical spirit, independence and self-reliance, rationality, broad field of vision, establishment of individuality, life style and methods of communication.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 異文化体験のライフコース分析 : 「かつての帰国子女」の追跡調査-第二部報告
- 異文化体験のライフコース分析 : 「かつての帰国子女」の追跡調査(第一部報告)
- 「海外・帰国児童生徒教育」の一考察 : 第二次世界大戦下の(帰国子女学級)東洋英和女学院「別科」の事例