アメリカ文学における自然 : ハックルベリーとギャツビーの追い求める夢
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The aim of this paper is to argue that nature in many works of American literature symbolizes a wish to return to childhood when innocence and honesty were ideals;in other words, a wish to return to the years when immigrants dreamed of establishing a nation in the New World. Huckleberry and Jim escaped from a civilized, but vulgar, life on shore and enjoyed themselves by going rafting on the Mississippi surrounded by nature. Similarly, the "green" light at the end of Daisy's dock implies the fresh, green woods which once flowered on the island of New York for immigrants. They arrived in the New World full of hope, so "green" suggests new beginnings. But now, neither green woods nor Gatsby's lover will come back. The rapid and radical civilizing of the nation impelled Mark Twain and Scott Fitzgerald to cherish nature and to understand it as dreams which they had in their childhood: dreams which their ancestors had in the early days of the U.S.
- 2005-12-24
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- アメリカ文学における自然 : ハックルベリーとギャツビーの追い求める夢
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