- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper we will make evidently the issue of the modernization of body usage and will try to propose a solution of it. The modernization in Meiji Restoration was westernization and modernization of the structure of society and of our way of life. The modernization requested us standardization of our body and body usage. We have been carried out this in education, march symbolizes it. To solve issues caused by modern value standard it is necessary to realize the new value, which we have proposed in last three papers, that is "The Beauty of Each Person and Each Age", based on "Slow Beauty". In modernization and westernization we successfully introduced material elements but we could get acquired only few body usage. At this result we have double stratum in our body usage, the traditional one and the modern western one. The action of modern Japanese is far from perfect and beautiful in western style clothes, but also in Kimono we don't know how to move our hands and legs. Therefore we can make ourselves conscious making use of this gap between two stratum in our body usage. I have been trying it at one of my university's class for five years. At first, students learn knowledge of Kimono by lecture, aim to learn traditional sense of beauty. After that they learn how to wear and fold up Kimono by using Yukata (a kind of Kimono, which is the most simple and the most informal). And the next they actually move themselves in Yukata, stand-up, sit down, walk, stand still, bow and so on. At last they learn a short peace of Kabuki Dance for two months. Aiming to be beautiful our consciousness of our own action is one way to realize the new value in coming society. I hope that such trial in my university class is spread and many people will do their own action in consciousness on their body usage.
- 駒沢女子大学の論文
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