小・中学生における聞き取り能力の実際と指導上の課題 : 「並列的複数情報の関係づけを支える心的作業」について
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The ability to associate related pieces of information is fundamental in communication ability. Two surveys were carried out with the objective of elucidating the ability of elementary and junior high school students to associate related pieces of information as well as problems in instruction. In particular, the author focused on the mental processes that support the association of multiple pieces of parallel information (information that is evident in the setting, excluding other information such as background information). Previous studies on mental processes that support the association of multiple pieces of parallel information in elementary and junior high school students have not been conclusive. Survey results showed that students were only capable of reviewing and reorganizing information within the range of their own response patterns. This phenomenon indicates a problem in current instruction that creates such response patterns. In order to truly nurture the ability to associate various pieces of information, instruction in note-taking and opportunities for students to connect related pieces of information in daily life and during classes, is needed.
- 2009-03-31
- 教科書教材に見られる話し合い能力育成の実際(自由研究発表)
- 小・中学生における聞き取り能力の実際と指導上の課題 : 「並列的複数情報の関係づけを支える心的作業」について
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