古生物学における成長解析手段 : アンモナイトを実例として
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In this paper some examples of growth analyses on the Japanese Cretaceous ammonites are briefly demonstrated. The equation of spiral growth (i.e. r=ae^<kθ>) and that of allometric growth (i.e. y=bx^α) in ammonites are induced from many data of calculations. The equations are explained along the lines of modern mathematics, and the biological significance of the equations is considered. When we carefully examine the deta, we find that the growth patterns are distingushed by species, and that the change of growth ratio in the equation occurs sometimes at a few critical points in the course of growth. The facts are explained in the biological and the mathematical sense, and then it is shown that changes in the sspecific growth constants are often a necessary consequence of the allometric growth. Support is given, by biometric studies of the ammonites, to the concept of allometry as a biological principle. As to the study of growth, the graphical methods on the double or single logarithmic scale, the triangular diagram, and the Cartesian transformation method, as well as those on the arithmetical scale, are often useful and effective as have been mentioned by previous authors.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1961-07-25
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- 古生物学における成長解析手段 : アンモナイトを実例として
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