大材生産林分の研究 : 第II報 小石原におけるスギ大材林分について
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This is a report, on the Big Tree Forest at Koishiwara and is a follow-up of the report on the "Gyoja-sngi" stand which was published in 1956. These big tree stands contain a larger volume per unit area among the artificially planted forests in Kyushu. However, it is not quite clear how and when these stands were made up. Data on "Yamazuka" are as follows: Owner: Japanese Forestry Office Location: Koishiwara Vil., Asakura Gun, Fukuoka Pref. Altitude: 480 m above the sea-level Tree species: Sugi (Cryptomeria Japonica D. Don) Age: 120 years old as of 1956 (artificially planted) Area: 0.929 ha This is the only area of good stand construction and good soi1 conditions in "Yamazuka" stand. Number of trees: 177 (188 per ha) Volnme of trees: 914.00 m3 (983.85 m3 per ha) Data on "Hanazono" are as follows: Age: 190 years old as of 1956(artificially planted) Area: 0.541 ha This area was selected in a similar manner to "Yamazuka". Number of trees: 163 (301 per ha) Volnme of trees: 573.68 m3 (1,060.41 m3 per ha) The rest of data are the same as those on "Yamazuka". Climatic features at Koishiwara are as follows: Mean annual air temperature: 11.7°C Maximum annual air temperature: 31.2°C Minimum annual air temperature: -4.8°C Average annual precipitation record: 3,336 mm Number of days of precipitation in a year: 149 These stands have a good stand construction and good soil conditions. It was found by stem analysis of one (sample) tree of normal stand p1ot that it had been growing in d. b. h., height and volume continuously, and therefore, these stands would grow more in the future.I はしがき II 調査地の概況 III 調査方法 IV 樹幹析解 V 結果ならびに考察 VI Resume
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