中国人経営者の意識 : 計画経済 vs. 市場経済(山本剛郎教授退職記念号)
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This paper reports on th3e bresults of questionnaire research concerning the attitudes of Chinese CEO> The main question of interest is which economy they prefer, a planning or a market economy and which of the two systems they think is more efficient. Five hundred questionnaires were sent out to the Chinese CEO in Harbin city, Hei Rong Jiang Province in northern part of China in May of 2007. Only thirty-one questionnaires were returned, one of which was returned blank. Therefore, in order to collect more data, we visited 500 companies in Harbin and asked CEO's in these companies to respond to our questionnaire. One hundred-eighty-seven responses were collected, givingh us a total of 217 to analyze. China is a Socialist country and has had a planned economy for a long time. Since 1992, however, China has been operating under a market economy. After this drastic change, the Chinese economy has been doing very well which prompted us to ask whether Chinese CEO prefer a market economy to a planning one. Results show that Chinese CEO think a market economy works well with a system of free competition, and that a market economy works well despite the fact that competition was not in existence before in China Although there is favorable response to a market and free competition economy system, there remains support for the government managing many activities such as public securityu, broadcasting and television, the judicial system, medical care and hospitals, and higher education and universities. China has changed her economic system, but attitudes of CEO's there have not changed to the extent that we expected. Our research results confirmed that it is easier to change organizational structures than to change people's attitudes.
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