エーリッヒ・フロムにおける「健康」と「幸福」 : 「クォリティ・オブ・ライフ」に関する基礎付けの試み
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When we talk about the 'quality of life' (QOL) we should inquire just into the 'quality' of human life. Generally speaking, a qualitative thing includes something original that has no substitute. Each person's existence is an irreplaceable life, and it has a unique value. QOL is a subject about the qualitative values of human life. The pursuit of QOL is the pursuit of a 'healthy' human life or 'happiness.' E. Fromm said that a person represents the whole human being, and that an individual is a physico-spiritual totality. He also said that the goal of a person in life is to be himself. According to Fromm, the fundamental human desire aims to conquer 'existential dichotomies,' such as 'life and death,' 'solidarity and aloneness.' Everyone shows one's answer depending on his/her character or personality. Only a 'productive character' can get happiness through its answer. That is the basic attitude by which 'human nature' and 'individuality' are brought into full play at the same time. Such a person gropes for a 'sane society'. And such a society ought to bring up sound persons. QOL as elements of a living environment are useful as conditions for happiness. However, the most important thing is the 'quality' of each one's life itself. This kind of QOL is shown by the basic attitude as 'personality.' A person who lives a well-filled life has a high quality of life. The scale of quality of life as the standard common to human beings is 'human nature,' which is also the foundation of human equality. This is the 'basis' of human rights. And each person will be the judge of the matter connected with 'happiness, making use of the activation of individuality. So, medical persons should not confuse QOL and 'social usefulness! Medical preference order is not a problem of QOL but purely a problem of medical technique.
- 2003-10-05
- 本学における教員組織の見直し : 大講座制への移行
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- エーリッヒ・フロムにおける「健康」と「幸福」 : 「クォリティ・オブ・ライフ」に関する基礎付けの試み
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