あかちゃんは隠された対象物を見ている? : 注視頻度を指標とした対象物探索課題の検討
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What do infants know about hidden objects, and when do they know it? After decades of empirical work on these questions, researchers provide widely disparate answers. This disparity is based largely on disagreement about how to interpret infant behavior. This study, therefore, investigated the following unexamined problems. Do infants look in the proper places when they perform object search tasks? Forty-two infants aged 7-9 months were given two versions (normal AB task and a clear AB task) of the stage IV task originally devised by Piaget. The following results were obtained: (1)7 month-olds most often looked in the place where the object had been hidden previously and looked in the proper place less than the 8 and 9 month-olds. (2) The clear AB tasks led to more to successful searches and for the hidden object than the normal AB task. It is concluded that infants 8 months old and over are able to effectively deploy visual attention. Finally, further research on development of visual attention in infants is suggested to help clarify the organization of the concept of objects.
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