- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was purposed to examine, from a point of view of weight transfer, how skilled baseball batters make a step to swing a bat, and get some basic materials about the step motion to develop a coaching theory about baseball batting. Six skilled baseball players who belong to a university baseball team hit the baseball gettinng on the force-plate to measure the ground reaction forces. Each batting motin were recorded on video-tape by a high-speed video camera in order to interpret records of weight transfer. Following two kinds of step motions were shown by six batters. 1) A stepted foot was landed early. And batters preparesd to swing a bat. 2) A moment when a steped foot was grounded and a moment of top of taking-back motin was happend almost at the same time. And right after that, a swing motion was started. The latter's maximum of ground reaction forces during a batting action was bigger, the swing time was shorter, and the velocity of a bat-tip was faster compare with those of the former. The batters who take the latter step motion style use bigger weiht transfer, and step toward the pitcher more powerful than the batters who take the former. There is a possibility that the latter step style is efficient to transmit the kinetic energy which is generated by the lower limbs movement to the trunk and arms.
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