- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to elucidate questions concerning "a fitness for sports", reports were made in Bulletin of the Institute of Physical Education, Keio University, No. 1 of Volume I through No. 1 of Volume IV, on somatotypes, one of the branches of our study. As one link of the chain of our continuous study, we made studies on ski and water polo. Those who were subjected to our study were students affiliated with the Athletic Club of our university. In case of the members of the ski group, they were mesomorphy, endomorphic mesomorphs or ectomorphic mesomorphs. Also, in case of the water polo group, the members were completely of the same types as those of the members of the ski group. When the results of our study of this time are compared with the results we obtained from the study made on champions of eight sport entries, we can find a conclusion as follows. 1. Sportsmen for whom momentary agility is required are mesomorphy, endomorphic mesomorphs or ectomorphic mesomorphs. 2. Sportsmen for whom endurance is required are mesomorphic endomorphs or endomorphy. 3. Among excellent champions, there were found those not belonging to any of the above-mentioned somatotypes. This taught us that we should be moderate in concluding that somatotypes are sole primary factors for determining an aptitude. Therefore, we like to continue our efforts in order to find a definite conclusion. This report was prepared through the benefit of "1972 Studies Supported by the Educational Matters Promotion Fund (Individual Study)."
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 第18回東京オリンピック大会に参加した陸上競技選手についての一考察
- 競技の記録成績からみた男子と女子の差についての一考察
- 運動選手の体型(V)
- 運動選手の体型(IV) : バレーボールの選手についてアメリカ人にみられるスポーツマンの体型 : アーサー・リディアードコーチがみた中・長距離選手の体型
- 体育会学生の体型について (そのIV)
- 運動選手の体型(III) : バスケットボールの選手について 適性要因について
- 体育会学生の体型について (そのIII)
- 運動選手の体型(II) : 記録との関係について : 陸上競技,端艇,柔道
- 運動選手の体型