運動選手の体型(IV) : バレーボールの選手についてアメリカ人にみられるスポーツマンの体型 : アーサー・リディアードコーチがみた中・長距離選手の体型
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The investigations treated in this paper were conducted on 15 volleyball players as part of the serial studies partly reported in the foregoing papers. All of the 15 players, as in the previous case, were Keio University students, ranging from freshmen to seniors, who belong to the athletic association. The investigations found most of them to be falling under the category of mesomorphy or ectomorphic mesomorphs. From the results of the investigations, compared with those in the cases of other kinds of sports which were dealt with in the foregoing papers, resemblance was found between their somatotype and that of the picked regatta crew. However, exceptional somatotypes were found in the investigations as in the foregoing ones.As to the features of the somato types of American sportsmen, L. E. Morehouse and P. J. Rasch reported that in all kinds of sports mesomorphic type players are superior to endomorphic or ectomorphic type ones. Arthur Lydiard, a middle and long distance running coacher in New Zealand, on the other hand, formulated classification according to running forms. He ruled out classification according to somatotypes, and called for classification in the functional aspect. In the foregoing papers the author pointed out that among excellent players there are some who have exceptional somatotypes entirely different from the somatotypes which characterize the other excellent players in the same event. It is believed that, from Lydiard's view, this fact will provide a clue to solution of the problem of exceptional somatotypes. The author, however, will make efforts for solution of the problem of fitness by continuing studies on somatotypes in other kinds of sports.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 第18回東京オリンピック大会に参加した陸上競技選手についての一考察
- 競技の記録成績からみた男子と女子の差についての一考察
- 運動選手の体型(V)
- 運動選手の体型(IV) : バレーボールの選手についてアメリカ人にみられるスポーツマンの体型 : アーサー・リディアードコーチがみた中・長距離選手の体型
- 体育会学生の体型について (そのIV)
- 運動選手の体型(III) : バスケットボールの選手について 適性要因について
- 体育会学生の体型について (そのIII)
- 運動選手の体型(II) : 記録との関係について : 陸上競技,端艇,柔道
- 運動選手の体型