- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) In considering the duel structure sports associations with history and tradition in schools in one hand and smaller club scale sporting groups in the other, and moreover mass of sport aim at such as Olympics and popular sports groups, social background must be given due thoughts. There are a number of differences between the two, but we must recognize these realities. (2) The larger the existing association is, the heavier the resistance as agroup against the new members. If the number of the new members are small, they will be welcomed because they can strengthen the power of the group. However, if the number of the new members is large it becomes a factor for frictions within the members. As a association expands its scale it is necessary for the group to have sufficient controlling power. And stronger the control power is the stronger the mutual effect becomes and new direction of association is sought and at the same time some members would leave the group. For the above reasons, expansion in the scale of a group invites stronger controlling power and drop out of members. Therefore, natural way of association's existence is more rational and stable in view of the nature of sports groups. (3) An association may be divided or two groups may be amalgamated. But these have no substantial meaning as long as the individual members are respected controlling of groups' division or amalgamation should not be worried. It is natural for the groups to become larger in number in complicated societies. Each of these groups has its own target and value and they exist as the groups of individuals. (4) Normally, voluntary association gets their own histories and traditions as days go by, and as the number of members increases the groups gets broken down into smaller ones with different functions with the original group, with at least partly different purposes from the original ones. However, these changes in the purposes are mostly due to technical reasons and if the traditional power is strong, movements will appear to suits the changes. This will depend on the traditional value of the association. (5) The ego and sbjecthood of the members are not permanent in nature, and it changes as time passes. It seems possible theoretically to embrace a large number of different ego as members if a certain history existed on the base of the id and inherited personality of the individual members. Presently, there exist groups with historical back-ground and new groups together, but as time progresses the new groups will have their own histories and traditions. Therefore, in the future sports groups of the same nature will exist together. (6) New groups are basically all the same spontaneity also. And it is necessary to positively assist them but this will basically conflict with the idea of getting deeply involved with activities of the groups.
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